
Thursday, April 21, 2016

21 Day Fix - Week One

I'm the worst blogger in the world.  I did my New Years resolution post and then the blog died again.  I honestly want to be better about it because I think it helps ME but I just don't have the time or energy sometimes.  It would be so much better if this was my job.  ;)

I did my resolution post and have been trying but I'm doing my usual.  You know, "the start a plan, it doesn't work right away, so quit" plan.  I was doing wheat and sugar free for a couple of weeks.  Not consecutively but randomly.  I felt so much better while I was doing it and did notice that I didn't have the daily headaches.  Because I'm still searching for a reason for my "why I feel like shit everyday feelings" I asked my doctor to test me for gluten intolerance.  Well, that test came back fine which is good because BREAD.  But my doctor did mention that a lot of my symptoms could be IBS related which is crappy (see what I did there?) on a whole other level.  I haven't seen my doctor since the gluten test, they post results online and call you, so I haven't delved deeper into the IBS thing but I'll do some research and see what happens.

Anyway, all of that and the wheat/sugar free thing didn't seem as important anymore, so I quit that.  I've been eating whole grain (more on that below) and have the same headaches and body aches as I did before so I'm sure that wheat/sugar is definitely not a friend.  I don't want to go wheat free all together because BREAD but I think there are some benefits to scaling back.  So....I was on a search for something new and manageable.

I have no idea how I ended up on the Beachbody website but I did.  It might have been an ad on Facebook.  I have known of Beachbody for years because I was introduced to it by my sister and own some of the programs but I never had the oomph to make it through a whole program before.  So, I was on the site and discovered the 21 Day Fix.  Other Beachbody programs have meal plans but none had the portion control containers so I was really intrigued.  I had heard other people talking about 21 Day Fix on health sites so I decided to do some additional research.  What I came up with is that 21 Day Fix is easy to follow, laid out step by step (you know exactly what to eat and how much) and it includes a workout program (which my doctor has been pestering me to start).

I ended up ordering the system on a Saturday and it arrived that Thursday.

At first I was a bit overwhelmed.  There were containers and food lists and daily workouts.  I didn't really think I could do it all.  BUT once I got myself organized it didn't seem all that bad.

I'm currently on day 6 and here is what I have noticed:

  • Easy to know what you should eat.  Mainly whole foods.  You can have "treats" 3 times a week.
  • Containers are great for teaching portion control and "eyeballing".
  • There is a wide variety of foods.
  • The workouts are 30 minutes long and doable.  You will work and you will be sore but I think anyone can do it.  Kat is my go to gal.  She is the modifier girl in the workouts.
  • You don't need much equipment for the workouts.
  • Autumn is great!  I think she might be my favorite trainer from Beachbody.
  • You get a ton of food.  This wouldn't be a problem in usual situations but eating a ton of whole foods is hard to do.  I have a hard time hitting my calorie and macro count.  I don't think I have hit it since I started
  • If you are new to workouts and eating well you will not lose weight the first week.  I didn't anyway.  This can be discouraging.  I had to really tell myself that I needed to keep going.  A lot of people tell you this is normal because your packing on a lot of muscle during the first week.  And your sore.  So you are retaining water like crazy and have inflamed muscles.
  • Planning ahead.  I suck at this so I find it a con.  If I can start planning ahead I think I'll be better.  Even after I'm done with this program because it is a big downfall for me.  Eating on the go is not a strong suit of mine.  I tend to make REALLY BAD decisions on the go.
I'm happy to have made it this far with the program.  I did miss one workout but other than that I've been doing everything as assigned.  I have big hopes for the next 2 weeks and can see that this program has the potential to teach health newbies how to eat well and exercise consistently.  It has given me a lot of determination.  I want to prove that I can do anything for 21 days and I hope that this will be my lifestyle changer.

Tips to succeed
  • Focus on building strength, as mentioned, the weight might not come off at first but you will notice your clothes fitting better.
  • Plan ahead.  Have meal planning Sundays.  Get your lunches ready for the week.  Get a notebook and write down what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.  Get your food game strong!
  • Utilize the Facebook groups, Beachbody website message boards, your Beachbody coach, whoever will support you.  I was getting discouraged this morning and talked to my FB group and they made me realize that I just need to keep going.
I'll be back next week to update on my progress.  I think!

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