C'est la vie. Am I right?
Whatever. Moving on!
So the update on my health is that there isn't an update. The second blood test came back negative for auto immune disease to the surprise of myself and my doctor. We did discover that the bacteria in my stomach is still alive and well though so I started treatment for that again. It. Was. Horrible! But somehow I made it through and now I wait and pray for the next four weeks and hope all the medicines I took wiped out the bacteria once and for all. In four weeks I go back again to test for the stomach bacteria, auto immune disease - take three, and hashimotos (which is a type of autoimmune disease that requires another test). I'm hoping that all three test come back negative. But then I'm back to square one...why do I feel like shit on a stick?
In the meantime I'm going to attempt an exercise routine again. I'm still teetering between signing up at 24 Hour Fitness (I like the classes!) or just doing an at home DVD workout (I have to get through Piyo). It is still my ultimate goal to run a half marathon one day. It's good to have big goals! I'm also making the start of this coming week a beginning point to start tracking my food intake again via My Fitness Pal. I'm hoping that small step will lead to big results.
Let's do this!
check out fitnessblender.com. All the workouts are on YouTube for free, and you can use their website to do a search for the specific type of workout you want to do (length, type, difficulty, body part, etc.). They have 8 week programs that lay everything out for you as well and cost $15. I've been using them instead Daily Burn for about a month and love it!